Web Development & Hosting costs

Prices for website design and development vary from site to site depending on your needs and on the amount of information that you supply. Described below is a general guideline and ballpark pricing.

General guideline to prices: I will,

  • Design a standard 3-page site from the information that you provide. (usually consists of a Home page, an About or Services page and a Contact page)
  • Register a domain name for you.
  • Provide hosting and domain name for 1 year
  • Submit your domain name to the top search engines

all for a cost of approximately $455.00.  The annual fee thereafter will be $158.00 which includes domain name, web hosting and 1 hour free maintenance. For more complex site development such as e-commerce or contact forms for gathering information or large numbers of images that require clean-up and editing, the price will increase accordingly.

Be sure to check out our Portfolio page for a sample of some of our website designs. Call for pricing on E-commerce websites. There are many different options that will influence the cost of your site... I have three different e-commerce sites listed on the portfolio page, Strikezone Lure Co., , Chattahoochee Game Calls & Superior Outdoor Supply that were designed using Pay Pal shopping cart, and Stewart Webster Cancer Fund Bowls that was designed using a more robust e-commerce shopping cart. A site like one of these would range from $600.00 - $3,500.00 depending on the number items you sell and the information supplied.

NOTE!!!... Strikezone Lures & Chattahoochee Game Calls were designed with an older website app.  I now use WordPress (the industry standard) which allows for a responsive website that is easily viewable on any device.